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    HR Suite Provides you
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      your most important asset...
    Provide all HR Reports
  • Simplifying HR Data Management
    Web-based, fast, easy to use and everything is included in one affordable price
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Pearl Confectionery (Pvt) Ltd.Renewed Service Agreement of HRSuite Payroll Software 2025-2026 with Softrack Technologies.

C&M Automation (PVT) LTDRenewed Service Agreement of HRSuite Payroll Software for 2025-2026 with Softrack Technologies.

YKK Pakistan (Pvt) LTD.Renewed Service Agreement of HRSuite Payroll Software for 2025-2026 with Softrack Technologies.

Walk EazeRenewed Service Agreement of HRSuite Payroll Software for 2025-2026 with Softrack Technologies.

Winner Foods (Pvt.) LtdRenewed Service Agreement of HRSuite Payroll Software for 2025-2026 with Softrack Technologies.

Shan Foods (Private) Ltd.Renewed Service Agreement of HRSuite Payroll Software for 2025 with Softrack Technologies.

AGP LimitedRenewed Service Agreement of HRSuite Payroll Software for 2025 with Softrack Technologies.

Naeem Impex Pvt Ltd.Renewed Subscription for HRSuite Software 2024-2025 with Softrack Technologies.

Quetta GroupRenewed Subscription for HRSuite Software 2024-2025 with Softrack Technologies.

MAP Welfare Trust (Lahore)Renewed Subscription for HRSuite Software 2024-2025 with Softrack Technologies.

Rahim & Brothers Enterprises Pvt. Ltd (Peshawar)Renewed Subscription for HRSuite Software 2024-2025 with Softrack Technologies.

International Caps Company (Karachi)Renewed Subscription for HRSuite Software 2024-2025 with Softrack Technologies.

Aga Khan Cultural Service Pakistan (Islamabad)Renewed Subscription for HRSuite Software 2024-2025 with Softrack Technologies.

Ambrosia PharmaceuticalRenewed Subscription for HRSuite Software 2024-2025 with Softrack Technologies.

Affordable online HR Software that is easy to use.

Web-based Human Resources & Employee Management Software cloud.

Human Resource

Human Resource Software is an enhanced personal HR system with full basic employee profile and employee information, including Education, Experience, Expertise...Read more

Human Resource

Centralize employees records.
Basic Employee profile.

Time Attendance

Time Attendance Software is a comprehensive, easy to use employee's Attendance Management that enables employers to record their arrival and departure...Read more

Time Attendance

Manage Attendance register.
Calculate overtime.
Daily attendance report.

Leave Management

Leave Management Software allows users to apply for leave,receive approvals online, by email and even via mobile. Ensures uniform implementation of the leave policy...Read more

Leave Management

Manage all Employee Leave.
Manage leave for different group/level.
Report according to leave.

Payroll Management

Payroll Software uses company-defined rules & policies to calculate employee salary, allowances, deductions, manage loans, advanced salary, bonus, income tax which...Read more

Payroll Management

Employee pay Management.
Generate Pay slip.
Loan Management.

Document Manager ( On Request )

Document Manager manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper based information captured through the use of a document scanner....Read more

Document Manager

Company Documents
Individual Documents
Letter Templetes

Travel Management ( On Request )

Travel Management software is a Web based program that designed to oversee, regulate, and coordinate the travel activities and expenses of a company's....Read more

Travel Management

International / Domestic Travel
Travel Request / Approval

Recruitment Process ( On Request )

Recruitment process is the process by which an employer evaluates information about the pool of applicants generated during the recruitment phase. After assessing....Read more

Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process
Interview Process
Hiring Process

Performance Appraisal ( On Request )

Performance appraisal review keeps your people on track, develops their skills, and proactively improves the talent that drives business success. It is a convenient and.....Read more

Performance Appraisal

Increase engagement
Build detailed individual profiles.
Rate team performance.

Debt Manager

Debt Manager software helps organizations manage and track outstanding debts and track payments. It helping the company maintain cash flow and avoid overdue payments...Read more

Debt Manager

Handle IOU adjustments.
Handle payments for purchases.
Track outstanding payments.

Asset Management

Asset Management software enables businesses to track and manage their physical and digital assets. It uses company-defined rules to monitor asset depreciation...Read more

Asset Management

Manage Asset.
Asset Allocation.
Track physical and digital assets.

GatePass Management

GatePass Management software facilitates the process of issuing, tracking, and managing gate passes for materials, equipment, personnel arrival and departure...Read more

GatePass Management

Returnable GatePass
Non-Returnable GatePass
Half Leaves / Short Leaves

Employee self services

This ESS serves as an employee interface to the HR department of your organization.Employee can login, apply for leave, loan, check his attendance and pay slip (optional) etc...Read more

Employee self services

Apply for leave.
Outstanding Loans.
Outstanding Leaves

Who needs Effortless HR web-based software?

Online HRSuite Features.

Web-based Human Resources & Employee Management Software cloud.


Basic Employee profile
SMS Announcement/Alert
Employee Section for My Account
Employee information (Education, Experience, Expertise, Training, Dependents, Additional Contacts, User id / Password, Report)
Company Documents, employee letters and notification
Reports (Current Employees & Left Employees)
Graphical Reports


Human Resource is an enhanced personal / HR system with full basic Employee Profile and Employee Information (Education, Experience, Expertise, Training, Dependents, Additional Contacts, User id / Password, report to, other). Human Resource is convenient and customizable solution for achieving needs. Human Resource also consist of company Documents, Employee letters and Notification and generate Reports of Current and Left Employees.

Time Attendance

Manage different number of shifts.
Rotation (group and individual).
Time entry (employee and Date wise).
Shift Setup.
Over time calculation.
Employee Temporary cards.
Process database (Flat file system, Direct form database etc.).
Number of time Reports on the bias of Daily, Monthly and Yearly.
Graphical Reports.

Time Attendance

Time Attendance software (HRSuite) is a comprehensive, easy to use employee's Attendance Management that enables employers to record their arrival and departure, providing managers with detailed information about attendance records, absents records, leave record, overtime etc. The system uses company-defined rules & policies to calculate the time of each individual employee which can then be passed to the payroll system for processing payments. This reduces the administrative effort.

Leave Management

Manages every employee leave (Current, Available, Uncashable, Balance Leave etc.)
Manage Leave for different group/level
Reports (Status, Details, Summary and Statements)
Leave forwarding, set Late into Leave

Leave Management

HRSuite’s Leave Management module allows users to apply for leave, receive approvals online or Email. It also ensures uniform implementation of the leave policy throughout the organization reducing HR monitoring or intervention. HRSuite Leave Management automates your working environment. It is an easy to use system that simplifies the process flow so planning, applying and approving of leave.

Payroll Management

Employee Basic pay structure
Employee pay, allowances and deductions
Loan and advancements payment schedule
Income Tax
Employee bonus
Salary setup (Including Allowances, Deductions, Pay formula, Attendance rule, Penalties etc.)
IT Slab
Bank transfer
Reports (Monthly Payroll, Cheque details, Over time, Income Tax and Loan etc.)
Custom Report Updating

Payroll Management

Payroll Software is a Web Based Payroll Solution with full Payroll Functions of a Business. This allows companies to prepare their payroll Management solution across multiple remote locations. This payroll software improves your payroll process, saving your time and money. Payroll data can be entered at remote locations making your payroll processing more efficient and accurate. The system uses company-defined rules & policies to calculate employee Salary, Allowances, Deductions, Manage Loans, Advanced Salary, bonus, income tax which can then be passed to the payroll system for processing payments. This reduces the administrative effort.

Document Manager ( On Request )

Company Documents
Individual Documents
Letter Templetes
Application Templetes

Document Manager

Document Manager, is the use of a computer system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper based information captured through the use of a document.

Travel Management ( On Request )

International Travel
Domestic Travel
Travel Mode
Travel Request
Airline, Train, Bus and Car Travel
Travel Approval

Travel Management

Travel Management software is a Web based program that designed to oversee, regulate, and coordinate the travel activities and expenses of a company's employees. It can conduct many of the tasks traditionally done by human travel managers.

Recruitment Process ( On Request )

Recruitment Process
Organization Jobs Requirements
Job announcement
Interview Process
Hiring process

Recruitment Process

Employee selection is the process by which an employer evaluates information about the pool of applicants generated during the recruitment phase. After assessing the candidates, the company decides which applicant will be offered the position.

Performance Appraisal ( On Request )

Increase engagement. Develop a path that works for employees as well as the company.
Build detailed individual profiles. Decide who you want to reward, develop and retain.
Boost review quality and free up Management time. Provide more professional and meaningful feedback faster.
Rate team performance. Rate individuals on a team at one time for more accurate rankings in less time.
Offer development plans. Give your people clear direction on how they can improve.
Streamline your workflow. Route and track review forms automatically and provide participants with instant online access.

Performance Appraisal

Softrack HRSuite Employee Performance review keeps your people on track, develops their skills, and proactively improves the talent that drives business success. It is a convenient and customizable solution for achieving HR needs. Human Resource also consist company documents employee letters and notifications and can generate report of past and present employees.

Debt Manager ( On Request )

Debt managers often handle IOU adjustments by tracking informal or personal loans within a company or between individuals.
Debt managers also handle payments for purchases made by the company.
Employees or departments often submit expense requests for reimbursement of business-related expenditures.
When employees incur expenses on behalf of the company or when the company owes others, debt managers may create repayment schedules.
Debt managers keep track of all outstanding payments, including those related to IOUs, purchases, or expense requests.
the debt manager works to reconcile these differences. Adjustments are made in the financial records to reflect the correct amounts, keeping the company’s financial statements accurate.

Debt Manager

Debt Management is not just about handling large debts, it also involves managing day-to-day financial transactions and ensuring smooth operations. Debt managers ensure that IOUs, expense requests, and purchase payments are appropriately handled and documented. They adjust and reconcile discrepancies, monitor payments, and ensure that the company or individuals follow a structured payment plan for all financial commitments. By managing these adjustments, debt managers play a critical role in maintaining the financial health of the organization and ensuring that all parties involved remain accountable.

Asset Management ( On Request )

Enables businesses to track the location, status, and condition of both physical and digital assets, ensuring accurate records and minimizing asset loss.
Manages assets from procurement to disposal, helping organizations monitor depreciation, maintenance schedules, and replacement needs.
Automates and schedules regular maintenance for assets, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of equipment and machinery.
Seamlessly integrates with inventory Management systems, ensuring assets are properly accounted for in both asset and inventory records.

Asset Management

Asset Management software enables businesses to track and manage their physical and digital assets. It uses company-defined rules to monitor asset depreciation, perform regular audits, and schedule maintenance. The software helps streamline the procurement process, optimize asset utilization, and manage asset life cycles, ensuring businesses can maximize the value of their assets and reduce operational costs.

GatePass Management ( On Request )

Tracks items that are expected to be returned, ensuring accountability and proper documentation upon their return.
Manages items that do not need to be returned, simplifying their issuance and monitoring for inventory purposes.
Allows the tracking and Management of employee half or short leaves, integrating with attendance and payroll systems.
Facilitates managing authorized vendors and generates detailed reports for efficient gatepass tracking and auditing.
Ensures all entries and exits are logged, enhancing site security and reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
Provides real-time updates on the status and location of items or personnel, allowing for quick decision-making and smoother operations.

GatePass Management

GatePass Management System is a Web based application. It manages the entry and exit of the vehicle of employees and visitors. GatePass Management System Allow you to manage all Incoming and Outgoing items from your office or company. GatePass Management System is available for use and it is easy to use and manage. This system is defined as a gate pass security syste

Employee self services (ESS) ( On Request )

Employees can log in to access personal information such as attendance, pay slips (optional), outstanding loans, and leaves, giving them immediate access to key HR data
The module allows employees to apply for leaves or loans directly through the system, streamlining the process and reducing paperwork.
Employees have real-time access to important company details such as policies, procedures, and leave balances, ensuring transparency and easy access to vital information.
The system makes day-to-day tasks like leave applications and loan requests faster and more efficient, improving workflow and employee satisfaction
The module is configured with a robust security system, allowing only authorized employees to access their information via a secure user ID and password.
ESS serves as a communication bridge between Management and employees, enabling Management to share updates, announcements, and essential information directly with the workforce.

Employee self services (ESS)

Employee self services (ESS) serves as an employee interface to the HR department of your organization. Employee can login, apply for leave, loan, check his attendance and pay slip (optional) etc. Immediate online access to pay slips, Outstanding Loans, Outstanding Leaves, Company procedures and policies are some of the key information available through this module


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